Friday, August 3, 2007

Tech Confessional #6 Take Two


For some reason, I can't open this file on my computer. I probably could on my tower because it has the software for my Video Camera who records mpeg4. The catch is, I need to clean that thing up and because I simply just can't edit video on it with out crashing it. So the lappie will edit, if it can open the file.

So I tried to do it Los style while I drove home from the gym. Unfortulantly, this looks like absolute crap. So don't watch it! LOL Hey, at least I put one up. I'll use my video camera next time.


Unknown said...

Me a Ham.... come on now! Wow on your way home from the gym... wow I can tell you look buffer:)

alex mclean said...

Chris - I suffered through it because I always love to hear what you have to say! Keep up the amazing work!

Chris said...

Yeah, I was wondering if I would regret putting it up. The thing that kills me is that I did TC #2 on my phone and I don't think it was that bad. What changed? Ya know?

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