Wednesday, May 7, 2008

In Thailand!

Well, we're here in Thailand starting to head east! it is a great feeling. I'm sitting at an American Sports Bar that is very classy and relaxing. Kris is the manager and when he was in the Navy he was my bosses (sp) boss back in the day. I think you can check them out at or something like that. Sorry, i'm blogging using my phone so I can't hyperlink it normally.

the count down has begun to our return. I can't wait! Alex is going to join me for a few days right before we get home so you'll get a full report frm the two of us when we get back.

Not much else going on. Advancement (promotion) results are possibly coming out mid month. We'll see what happens there. Keep your fingers crossed.

well, that's all for now. See you all soon!

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