Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm in Bahrain - Happy New Year!

So..Here I am, sitting at Starbucks of all places drinking the water. Hey Karl, I agree it's pretty good. I never have liked coffee, but I just wanted to get on the internet and this seem to be the best place. At least according to my friends HT1 Lee and Grant who are addicted to World of Warcraft. I just wanted to blog, get updates, and check my e-mail.

So here are some pictures from Saipan, followed by our oh so joyous Christmas Day Det Photo...

So, as you can tell we were really happy. I don't have any pics of me since those were just off of my camera. The ones that are of me are back on the ship.

Well, other then that, I'm going to say bye for now and do some updates. I will update you more later!


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