Thursday, July 26, 2007

I hate shots!

So being in the lovely US Navy and getting ready for a deployment, I had to get my first Anthrax shot today. It's the first in a series where they have you come back every couple of weeks and give you another shot. Then, you have to get boosters every year if you keep deploying.

I tend to pass out at the sight of a needle but I did pretty good today. They stood us up in a line and started to administer the shot, which of course I immediately turned and looked the other direction. I went up to the Corpsman and reminded her of the last time I got a shot and blood drawn and she very politely said, "Can you come see us in our office later? We'll make an exception for you." I went to their office later and got the shot while sitting down. It's also good because they like you to have stick around for 15 minutes or so. I had a Chief who almost died from getting the shot. It's very rare that people have reactions like that, but a lot of people do have reactions.

So far no real reactions other then a sore shoulder and back. Hopefully it won't affect the golf game tomorrow! I'm just really thankful that I didn't have to get it like the guy in this picture had too.

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