Monday, October 22, 2007


So today I was talking to some of my co-workers and the subject of what to take and do during an evacuation came up.

#1: I'd load my truck up with my Guitar, Drums, Sitar, Computer, mixing boards, and my Motorcycle.

#2: I just bought my big screen TV, so that'd be the first thing I pack up.

#3: My dog.

#4: My babies (in reference to her two cats).

#5: Let it all burn. I've got insurance.

Well, answer #1 might be okay if you're Karl Verkade, but what about the rest? I could buy #3 since I consider my dogs my children and I suppose even #4 even though Cats and I don't get along all that well. I feel that answers 1, 2, and 5 would be the most dissapointed in the long run. I'll tell you what we prepared with today:

  1. Pictures of our family
  2. Cody's ashes (we had to put down our 9 month old puppy a while back and still haven't been able to let him go fully)
  3. An external hard-drive with all of our video's and pictures since we don't have many photo albums anymore.
  4. Important documents (either take with or put in our fire proof box that lives inside our fire proof safe).
  5. Combo/keys to sed safe.
  6. Medications
  7. Address book with Contact information for family and friends. (A laptop would be considered okay in this instance)
  8. Diapers, clothes and toys for Ryan (our 3 month old son).
  9. Food/Treats/Leashes/Beds for our dogs.
  10. A few days worth of clothes/toiletries/water/snacks f0r ourselves.
What would you take?


Alex McLean said...

Photo Albums
Java (& dog stuff)
Kids clothes
Bibles, books
Important papers, etc.
1 guitar
tent (might need to camp on the beach?)
...still thinking

Chris said...

Guitar is a good idea since you have kids that are the age of more involved entertainment.
plus, since you're a good guitar player, you might be able to lift someone's heart up with worship.

How could I forget the bible?

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