Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Okay, finally my own!


I guess I got to impatient on waiting for Alex over at betterthanblank to post my tech confessional the other night, so he encouraged me to get my own blog! :-) I Love ya Alex! So...hopefully this will work out.

I used to to some web design with he aide of Adobe products back in the day and a little of raw html, but it's been SO LONG! I have no idea to where to start. So it's going to be painful (because I don't have the patience for code) and I don't have a ton of time.

I'll also be deploying soon, so I won't be able to edit the blog per say. I'll be able to post via e-mail, but that's about it. And even then so I can only post so much. So...we'll see how this works out!

1 comment:

Chris said...

So I messed with wordpress a little bit. I like some of it's layout and the fact that it posts comments on the same screen unlike blogspot.

I think I'll stay here for now.

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