Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sleeping In

So I fell asleep on the couch last night and slept till about 8:30 when my Lab decided to wake me up. She usually wakes me up around 7 so I didn't complain. I got up and opened the garage door so she could go out. I think I heard our other dog, a sheppard mix, come running down the stairs when I laid back down on the couch.

Around 10 or so, I heard the intercom ringer on the phones, so I guess my wife was trying to tell me to get up. Well, I got up, fed the dogs, and checked my e-mail, read some blogs, and now am blogging. It's currently 11:06, so maybe I should go upstairs and see what she's doing! :-)

1 comment:

alex mclean said...

I love falling asleep on the couch - of course with two walkers now, it rarely happens. Yesterday after church I fell asleep for about 10 minutes before Macy woke me up!

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