Monday, August 27, 2007

It's a MAC!

Custom configuration
2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
160GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm
Superdrive 8x
iWork '08 Preinstalled
Final Cut Express

Ships by: Aug 27 - Aug 29
Delivers by: Aug 29 - Sep 5

That's right, I ordered a Mac! I'm heading BACK to the right side! Ha ha! I'm really looking forward to this. I have found that all I really use my laptop for is homework, e-mail, editing movies and internet. On deployment I'll use it for watching movies and such but other then that, nothing much else. Alex helped sell my wife on the Mac with iSight. We were thinking of purchasing another video camera so that I could make little videos, read a book, whatever, and send them home to my son so that he can here my voice and see my picture on the TV every once and a while. So why spend all that extra money on just a video camera when I already have the $$$ invested in the one that I'm going to leave at home for my Wife? Plus, when my lappie breaks (yes I said when) I'll be done. I was looking at a DV tape, but we don't have any DV tape devices at home. So I would have to put them on DVD thru my lappie. Can't really get any other quality cameras that are "cheap."

I said earlier that I was "heading back." I was brought up on the Mac since I was about six I think? My dad thought it would be an awesome birthday present to go buy a Mac Plus with 2MB of Ram and an external 40MB hard drive and an Apple Image Writer for my Mom while she was on deadline for the Opera Program. My mom is a Graphic Designer and until that day was still doing everything with a typewriter and layout boards. Well, for some reason, I picked it up really quick and my Mom would call me during School to help her with printing issues and such. A few years later, Dad upgraded her to a Mac IIci with a 20 inch screen and an Apple Laser Writer II NT so I got the Plus in my room. Followed by a 1200bps modem! Since then she's had a G3, G4, iMac Green, iMac Red, and now is on a G4 iBook I think. Dad has long since converted to the dark side after his G4 to Asus, then IBM's and now Linovo's. My parents owned a commercial printing company which they eventually sold and retired even though Mom still does a couple of things for her favorite charities. I ended up upgrading eventually to one of the first run iBook's. You remember the blue toiliet bowl cover? I still have it laying around somewhere!

When I moved in with John in Washington, he introduced me to Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Battle Field 1942, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, Counter Strike and a couple of other first person shooter games. I had already been PC savy thanks to the help of Dad and was actually working as a PC repair tech for the Navy, so I decided to build my own computer just for gaming. Well, I just don't play that much anymore. Now, with the invention of Boot Camp I might decide to partition a small portion for a copy of Windows XP, or maybe even Vista just in case I decide to play some games on the ship. I'm not sure which!

Wow, that was a journey down Mac history! Does anyone remember playing Oregon Trail? Ha ha!


Chris said...

Oh I can't wait!

alex mclean said...

i started my computer life on an Apple 2C - playing Castle Wolfenstien!!!

alex mclean said...

oh yeah, and I played Oregon Trail!

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