Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Day!!!!

This made my day so much better!

Steve Gray @ The Desert Dome


I say so a lot. Just noticed that. Anyway, on base at the Desert Dome there is the Steve Gray Band which will be out here for two months. A mix of artists from a recording drummer, Steve Gray obviously, experienced lead guitarist. They do covers and some originals of everything from Rock, Rap to Country. I didn't get to stay and listen much, but they seemed pretty good. The Dome set them up with a Allen & Heath GL3300. That's funny since we (Life Church) just sold a GL3200. Anyway, it wasn't their board (The Bands) so they were at a slight disadvantage. On top of this their sound guy was actually their Roadie and Manager. More of a light guy then anything.

So anyway, I chit chatted with themfor a little bit (the area is kind of dead right now) and looked over the equipment for a bit. Looks like they started out with good intentions. When I came back later after they had started, the sliders were all maxed out, meters were barely moving and everything but the bass guitar sounded good. I was thinking about offering my help, but I thought that might be a little bit rude especially since that's what those guys do for a living.

Anyway, I would say check Steve Gray Band out. They looked like a pretty good band and the did sound good for what I did hear.

My Addictions - INTERNET


Here I am in Bahrain again. I had duty on Tuesday, so I rushed off the ship as soon as I could to go to the exchange and get on the internet. Stephanie is up at my parents house and I wanted to get on either iChat or Yahoo Instant Messenger and SEE my family. Well, apparently Batelco who I guess is the primary and possibly only internet provider for at leasts Manama, which is where I am, was having internet problems. We walked everywhere! Finally around noon my time someone had come back from the mall, where I am now, saying they even went out here trying to get on. NOTHING...So I was very dissapointed that I didn't get to see my family yesterday.

Today I brought ye ole lappie along just in case it worked. We got here at the mall about 6:15'ish and I didn't want to get my hopes up. So I went and browsed for a moment. Took a pit stop at the Sony store, then walked over to Starbucks. Expecting to not get anything, I sat down and reluctantly pulled out my laptop. Sure enough, it works!! So now I'm waiting to see if Stephanie will wake up and talk to me. I don't have a ton of time, but I'll work with it.

Can you believe how important the internet is to me now? Wow...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

In Bahrain - still

So, the american dollar doesn't go very far here. For every Bahraini Dinar, it's $2.64'ish. When taking a five minute taxi cab ride, we've been able to barter down to 4 BD. Small electronics are super expensive here. Also, PS3 games go for well over $100 American.

Alas I sit at Starbucks again. This time with James and Rachel. We're going to see National Treasure Two in about an hour. I'l hang out here in the meantime.

One thing that is kind of irking me is that I tried to comment on Alex's and Billy's Blog. For some reason, I can't leave comments on the Wordpress blogs. :-( <--Makes me sad.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm in Bahrain - Happy New Year!

So..Here I am, sitting at Starbucks of all places drinking the water. Hey Karl, I agree it's pretty good. I never have liked coffee, but I just wanted to get on the internet and this seem to be the best place. At least according to my friends HT1 Lee and Grant who are addicted to World of Warcraft. I just wanted to blog, get updates, and check my e-mail.

So here are some pictures from Saipan, followed by our oh so joyous Christmas Day Det Photo...

So, as you can tell we were really happy. I don't have any pics of me since those were just off of my camera. The ones that are of me are back on the ship.

Well, other then that, I'm going to say bye for now and do some updates. I will update you more later!


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